The Australian Walnut Industry Association is the peak national body representing the Australian walnut industry. It speaks on behalf of growers, nurserymen, processors, wholesalers and marketers.
- We promote the production, marketing and consumption of Australian walnuts.
- We seek and circulate information on matters of interest and concern to walnut producers and the Australian walnut industry.
- AWIA acts to promote and support the production of high-quality walnuts, including the quality control of planting stock used in Australia, sound cultivation practices, the establishment of quality standards for the production and grading of walnuts, and research into quality control.
- We are a member of the Australian Nut Industry Council and network with nut grower associations and other organisations which aim to promote the interests of the Australian walnut industry.
AWIA is a proud member of Nuts for Life, the Australian tree nut industries’ health and nutrition marketing initiative
ABN 26 468 336213
Consumer Affairs Victoria Reg. no. AOO23961T