Strong industry & government ties through COVID-19
Today Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud announced a new measure to maintain agricultural production and supply chains through the COVID-19 response.
“I’m pleased to announce Mark Tucker will be our Senior Agriculture Industry Engagement Officer,” Minister Littleproud said.
“Mr Tucker will be the key liaison between my department and agriculture, fisheries and forestry stakeholders affected by COVID-19.
“He understands the ag sector through-and-through from his distinguished career working closely with this industry’s stakeholders and peak bodies.
“From tomorrow, he’ll be working with Commonwealth Departments and State Governments to ensure agriculture industry perspectives inform our decision-making.
“This role will give us regular status updates on key issues in this sector and it’ll help us respond exactly where we need to.”
Fast Facts:
- Mark Tucker is a former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Agriculture. He will be supported as Senior Agriculture Industry Engagement Officer by a team of officers at the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
Media contact
Douglas Ferguson, 0455 448 985