Welcome to the new and improved Agricultural Trade newsletter (formally Agricultural Trade Matters). You will notice we have made some changes to ensure this publication remains relevant to you, our readers. This publication will brief you on the latest developments in Australian agricultural trade and direct you to the information you need to stay informed in this space. In this issue we draw your attention to exciting changes in the NEXDOC system with the introduction of QR codes, big wins for exporters looking to access Korean markets and progressing in modernising Australia’s meat export regulatory systems.
And while we’ve got your attention – we want your opinions too! We are seeking feedback on this newsletter, to make sure it is working for you. We want to know more about who receives it, what our audiences find useful and how we can improve. If you’d like to contribute, please click here.
Milking NEXDOC for all it’s worth
Scan the QR code to learn more about the NEXDOC system.
Dairy exporters are the first to transition to the new Next Export Documentation (NEXDOC) system. NEXDOC is a web-based system that generates digital export documentation more easily. One of the key technologies used in NEXDOC is QR codes. NEXDOC will automatically generate dairy export certifications with a unique QR code, as well as a certificate number providing improved product traceability and enhanced security across the supply chain. The introduction of NEXDOC further strengthens the international competitiveness and value of our agricultural exports and enhancing our reputation for high quality products.
Learn more about NEXDOC on our website.
Micor user survey
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Manual of Importing Country Requirements (Micor) Have Your Say survey last month. We are currently reviewing feedback. Shortly, we will make even more improvements to make sure that our Micor provides trade information for exporters as effectively and efficiently as possible.
We’re continually building on changes we’ve already made to the system. Since July 2019, we have made 8,000 new entries and more than 57,000 updates to Micor, helping exporters keep up to date with frequently changing requirements. We’re making Micor easier to use and keep up to date with changes to importing country requirements. Have a look on Micor to see what’s going on for your industry and export destinations!
Improving plant exports survey
Following a recent survey of plant product exporters, we are now working with stakeholders to identify ways to simplify government processes. This will make it cheaper and quicker to get produce into overseas markets.
We are aiming to:
- identify areas of duplication and opportunities to harmonise state and territory government requirements
- recognise and implement industry standards and quality systems in the plant export pathway
- onboard new technologies to automate certification processes.
Stay tuned to our social media and website for exciting updates soon!
Source: Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment